2021 Canadian Law Blog Awards Winner

A Happily Ever After Spousal Sponsorship Story

June 2015

Shawna and Pierre came to see me in late March, 2014.  Like almost all my spousal sponsorship clients, they had met over the internet.  In 2010, after a year of online correspondence, they had met in person.  Their relationship developed with visits back and forth to each other’s countries, and in July, 2013 they had married. 

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Express Entry and International Students Is there a Disadvantage?

May 2015

Last month I sent a young woman back to Japan.  She’d come to Canada as an international student first to finish high school, then to attend Sheridan College in their Animation Program.  Her employer consulted me after their Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), because her position was denied.  They had been paying her the median wage for Ontario, as opposed to Ottawa, which was slightly higher.  Meanwhile, they had no idea there were median wages specific to Ottawa.  They offered her a raise and resubmitted the LMIA application.

But it was too late.

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If only it had been an April Fools’ Joke

Thousands of Temporary Foreign Workers Lose their Status in Canada

April 2015

April 1st of each year marks the tradition of playing pranks on one’s friends and family.   Whether it’s toothpaste instead of icing in the kids’ cookies, toilet paper stuffed in shoes to make them seem too small, or the mysterious disappearance of all the staples from the office staplers, these pranks will leave you both annoyed and amused at the same time.

This year, it seemed like the Canadian government was attempting to be the prankster; unfortunately, it wasn’t a joke.

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When a Cook is not a Cook: Citizenship and Immigration Canada Processing Errors

March 2015

I have this great client.  He works in a restaurant at one of Ottawa’s cultural landmarks.  He brings me lunch whenever he has an appointment – really awesome lunches (I’m sure you’re already jealous).  He came here from India to study in the Culinary Management program at Algonquin College.  They obviously trained him well.

So why was this cook not a cook?

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